Lenco van der Weel (1950-2022), retired army officer, and Arthur van Beveren (1986), freelance journalist and photographer, had and have a long time passion for fortifications and German bunkers in particular. In 2001 they decided to join forces and combine their two websites into the biggest website about German bunkers on the internet. The new website both has the field guide style of lcbunkers.com and the encyclopedia style of AvB’s Bunkersite. To please a wide variety of visitors the website is in the English language only. We would like to thank our bunker team members for their help on various trips in the last years.
Lenco battled a muscular disease for over 20 years. He lost the fight in 2022. We will dearly miss him. If you want to know more about Lenco visit his website, which will be online as a remembrance place for him. www.lcweel.nl
Arthur is available for battle field tours along the Atlantikwall both in the Netherlands and in other European countries. He can also help you at an editorial level with your media production. He featured in the National Geographic series Nazi Megastructures about German World War Two fortifications. Arthurvanbeveren.com
Main menu
“Atlantikwall locations” will give you a geographical overview of our information on the Atlantikwall.
“Other locations” covers the sidesteps to German fortifications outside the Atlantikwall (i.e. Westwall, Südwall, Führerhauptquartier and non-bunker sites).
“Maginot line” is a first start in the research of this huge French defence line that was built in the Interbellum.
The “Specials” part presents several studies on specific subjects.
“Bunkerpedia” gathers additional information about armoured parts, naval guns, typology, obstacles and has a vast bibliography.
“Cold War” presents some Dutch fortifications that were constructed in that era.
“Bunkeroptik” is the atlas on the internet about optics used inside or around German bunkers.
On the “Updates” page we will inform you on any updates on the website. The recent updates can also be found on the main page.
You can also “Search” the site for certain locations or typenumbers of bunkers and armoured parts.
In the “About” section you can find information on the website and the teams.
If you have any further questions or comments mail me by clicking on the mail envelope in the upper-right corner.
Navigation through locations
Both “Locations” sections present overviews of main areas in Europe. Clicking a link brings you to a menu on the left. Depending on the amount of pictures or locations, this menu has one or more submenus.
We use the native names of the geographical designations of towns, countries and regions. (i.e. Flushing is called Vlissingen). The description of the German bunkers is according to the publications of the author and specialist Rudi Rolf. (see “Bunkerpedia/Bibliography”)
The authors of this site have no connection with either commercial or political groups. @copyright on the pictures and provided information rest with both authors. If someone claims to have rights on any of the pictures on this site, please send us a mail.