On the 2nd and 3th of September a conference will take place in Amersfoort and Middelburg, the Netherlands.

European experts will gather together on the 2nd and 3rd of September 2010 to exchange knowledge and ideas regarding this monumental defence line. Historians, policy makers, (landscape)architects, museum directors, planners, sociologists and bunker fans will enter in a fruitful debate. This multi-disciplinary seminar will end the object-oriented fixation with the Atlantikwall, focusing instead on integrating its military, spatial, historical and socio-economic aspects.

Prof. dr. Marieke Kuipers (NL) will speak about the shift from an ‘object’ related approach of bunkers towards present-day regionally grounded heritage by using the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie (New Dutch Water Defence Line) as a case-study.
Prof. dr. Inge Marszolek (GER) will discuss the notions of myth-making, perpetrators and victims, space and landscape and the German view of their ‘colonial heritage’ – the Atlantikwall.
Rose Tzalmona (CAN/NL) will address the transformation from ‘collective amnesia’ towards ‘collective remembrance’ exemplified in artistic and architectonic interventions along the western-European coastline.

Rudi Rolf (NL) will present a historical overview of the Atlantikwall and offer his assessment of its present condition. Lenco van der Weel (NL) will discuss various approaches and methods pertaining to bunker restoration projects. Janne Wilberg (NOR) will explain how the remnants of the Atlantikwall in Norway stand in relation to Norwegian heritage policies.

For more information on the conference and to subscribe for either one or two days visit the website http://atlantikwallplatform.eu

The regimental headquarters of Burgh-Haamstede in Holland lies in a protected area. This summer, you can get tours along the bunkers.

There are guided tours by Natuurmonumenten, a society for preservation of nature, on August 8, 15 and 22 starting at 10am. It’s a great oppurtunity to visit this big HQ, because during the rest of the year it’s off limits.

Get your tickets by contacting the tourist info center in Haamstede at 0031 900-2020233.

Crazy camouflage inside a 502. (Photo: Henk Adriaanse)

Crazy camouflage inside a 502. (Photo: Henk Adriaanse)

The Vf command bunker or Notbefehlsstelle on the boulevard of Vlissingen in Holland will finally be demolished. Finally because we knew for years it wouldn’t last.

The bunker was built early in the war, for the naval commander in the region. Later in the war a big Fl 241 replaced the the Vf bunker. Years ago, the hotel Brittanica, together with the Notbefehlsstelle, were about te be demolished. But, it took about 10 years before this would really happen. Monday next week, demolishing works will start. So if you’re interestered. Take a look in the coming weeks.

With help from the local government, Ben Muller republished an updated version of the book about Stützpunkt Groede.

A 669 will probably be renovated to its original state.

The book can be ordered via the author himself via his website.

Stützpunkt Groede by Ben Muller.

Stützpunkt Groede by Ben Muller.

Last week demolition works on another part of Landfront Hoek van Holland started. In Wn 33H, a 134, 621 and brick building will disappear for a new road. One positive thing: a remaining 134 will be moved several meters.

Just after the war, a 612, two 621s and a 676 already disappeared. The new road will distress the old dike towards Hoek van Holland which couldn’t handle all the traffic anymore. An old drawing in the brick canteen building and armoured parts from the 621 will be saved.

One 134 will be moved. (Photo: Peter de Krom)

One 134 will be moved. (Photo: Peter de Krom)

A short film by Alfonso Nogueroles about the art project Dunepark by the French artist Cyprien Gaillard.

In 2009 a type 600 bunker for 5cm KwK in Scheveningen was excavated as a ready made art work. It got huge attention from the media and people. After a month it was all covered as if nothing ever happened.

Seen on Blip.tv.

Cyprien Gaillard's Dunepark 2009. (Photo: Arthur van Beveren)

Since the war thousands of people walked right over it and its embrasures were closed but this March it was unearthed. A small pre war Dutch machine gun casemate with a German addition can be seen again at the beach of Scheveningen.

The seawall will be raised in the coming weeks to bring it to a safer level to protect the lower parts of Holland against the sea. During the works they ‘discovered’ the bunker. It was even on national news. Ofcourse we bunker archeologists already knew there was a small machine gun bunker but the attached German part and the covered trenches were a surprise. At the moment local government is seeing if it can be moved to another place to preserve it for the future. Quite a noble initiative. For the moment the bunker is behind the fence but on the 10th and 16th of April the site will be open to the public. Grab your chance to see it on the inside.

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More (inside and outside) pictures on the Fortificatieforum.

The Dutch bunker foundation WN2000 in IJmuiden won the Gouden Betonmolen (Golden Concrete-mixer!). The bunker museumwas chosen as winner by the members of the Dutch Fortificatieforum, for the newly rebuilt trenches in the dunes. A thing never accomplished on this scale anywhere else.

The Gouden Betonmolen is an initiative by the forum to award people or groups who are doing a special thing for fortifications in Holland. Although it was just fun initiative, local media discovered the news and already call it the National Golden Concrete-mixer!
The first winner of the price was Stichting Bunkerbehoud for the complete renovation of the artillery observation bunker type 143 at the Oranjemolen in Vlissingen.

Champagne, price and brand new trenches! (Photo: Arthur van Beveren)

Champagne, price and brand new trenches! (Photo: Arthur van Beveren)

Widerstandsnest 220H on the former island of Goeree-Overflakkee in the southwest of Holland will be made accessible to the public. Two of the bunkers (a 502 and 504) will become a bunker/war museum.

Together with municipal organisations, the Stichting WO2GO will create a hiking path along the bunkers (134, 502, 2 x 504) and open them up. One garage for a gun (504) will become an environmental information center and the ammunition bunker (134) will be closed and used as a bat-bunker.

At the moment the bunkers are hidden in dense vegetation. In May the path should be finished and it will be possible to visit the bunkers. More info on the Fortificatieforum.

502, Wn 220H

The 502 and 504s all have a tunnel in front of the entrance for extra protection. (Photo: Arthur van Beveren)

Get on your bike and drive along the bunkers of Landfront Vlissingen! In the spring of 2010 it will be possible to visit even more bunkers along one of the interesting landscapes in Holland.

The bunkerroute is a project of the province of Zeeland, the water board, a bank and ofcourse Stichting Bunkerbehoud. The first phase was realised in 2005. Now the route is completed. The bunkers, near Koudekerke, are made more visible to the public. These are 623 for machine gun and a 631 for a Skoda 4.7cm Festungpak.

The anti-tank ditch with a 631 and 623 before the works started. (Photo: Arthur van Beveren)

The anti-tank ditch with a 631 and 623 before the works started. (Photo: Arthur van Beveren)


The same place now. A bicycle track will lead to the bunkers in the near future. (Photo: Stichting Bunkerbehoud)

The same place now. A bicycle track will lead to the bunkers in the near future. (Photo: Stichting Bunkerbehoud)