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The final situation

In May 2013 a plan was made to turn the bunker into a basement for a new building for the Garage de Bilt. Research has learned that it is not certain that all explosives from the blast in 2008 have been removed. So for public safety the bunker will be given a seal of concrete and rubber. Now this work has been finished. Maybe later on there will be a small exposition on the military functions of this former coldwar communications center. This will be placed in the showroom.

"Crippled but not forgotten".

Pictures by Garage de Bilt Larenstein.

The final solution, TCC Bilthoven, Cold War

Modern shuttering plates.

alt="The final solution, TCC Bilthoven, Cold War" />

The size of the plates makes the work go fast.

The final solution, TCC Bilthoven, Cold War

A last look at the strong Dutch concrete from the 50-ties.