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Infanterie-Stützpunkt, Verteidigungsbereich Hansted

Hansted is now known as Hanstholm. In the war it was an important place because from there Germans closed off the the southern part of the entrance of the Skagerrak. This channel, about 110km wide, was of upmost importance because it was the entrance to the Baltic sea and German naval ports like Kiel. The navy started to close the gap with minefields in which several openings were kept free. These shippinglanes were defended by coastal batteries. At first by a 17cm battery, later on a second battery with heavy 38 cm guns was built. These were guns from the Bismarck class battleships. However the mountings were changed so a higher elevation level (52 degrees) made it possible to fire lighter shells further away (> 50km). Due to all this important weaponery the whole area was also well protected from the air by four anti-aircraft batteries with 10.5 cm guns. The perimeter and all other tactical positions were defended by many infantry defences.

The German archives, dated january 1945, divide the bunkers according to the main function of the major Stützpunkte. All remaining bunkers, mostly with the infantry weapons or light AA guns, are gathered in the Infanterie-Stützpunkt. Use the menus as follows:

  • Infantery: the Infanterie-Stützpunkt
  • Artillery: the Stützpunkte 1./M.A.A. 118 (17 cm, later named Hanstholm I) and 2./M.A.A. 118 (38 cm, Hanstholm II)
  • Airdefence: the Stützpunkte of M.Fl.A.814, the Luftwaffen-Stützpunkt (Hamborg) and Stützpunkt (Fu.M.G.)

We cover the museum with some pictures which give you a first impression. Finally we bring you specials on three important bunkers. All pictures by Henk Adriaanse.

One of the barrels has returned home.