The strongpoints in the KvGr Brest have the suffix "B" or "Br" and approx. over 120 ST-bunkers were built. The harbour and the entrance to it, the Rade de Brest, was heavily defended with many coastal batteries and AA-gun sites. The innercity and Point de Portzic were declared as the Festung Brest. In the harbour you find the U-boat bunker. It is still in use by the French navy and so it is impossible to visit this object. Just have a front peek from Pointe de Espagnols or sidewards from Pointe de Portzic. It provided for 15 boxes at a square of 52.000 m2 and it has a length of 333 meters. The roof had a cover of 3.8 till 6.2 meters of concrete. The RAF attacked this monster with 26 Tallboy bombs of 5.400 kg each; only 5 of them were a direct hit. One of them, placed of a unfinihes part of the roof, caused little damage as the iron bars held the pieces of reinforced concrete firmly together. American forces had to fight hard for the liberation of Brest in September 1944. In the battle the harbour-installations were badly damaged by the Germans. So Brest was unsuitable to function as an allied harbour. The peninsula "Camaret" on the south side of the Rade de Brest had several coastal and AA batteries. Many old French forts in the area are also worth the visit. Some of them show remains of the German occupation. The suffix for the German strongpoints in KvGr Camaret is "C" or "Cr" for Crozon. We visited Brest on various trips, in 2008 we paid extra attention to the Flak situation.
The king of the Rade de Brest.