There are many instruction texts in the bunkers of the HQ. In many cases a sort of foot-note system was used. Paint a "x" on a spot and put the appropriate text elsewhere on the wall where there is more space for it.
Here is the spot.
Here is the text that belongs at the "x".
Some instructions raise questions. We have seen a few texts with missing characters for being proper German. For example take the text in red above. In the word "Todesgefar" the character "h" is missing, as in "gefahr". The text in the arrow that is in the entrance of the 117a can only mean "Fernschreibstelle", but the longer we looked on that spot, the more we are convinced that the "r" in "schreib" is missing. Sorry, the picture does not show this clearly. Fernschreibstelle is the office where the teletype (telex) could also be used by other units.
Just a guess. 708 Infantry Division had also soldiers from "friendly" states as: Cossacks, Georgians, Armenians, Caucasians, Indies, Azerbaijanis and Turks. These foreigners were not only joined in special units, but also did their individual functions in staffs and logistic units. It could be that the man who gave the orders to the French text-painter did not manage the German language so good himself.