eMail Arthur


From Guidel the D162 runs south. Take the turn at "Kerizouët" to the left and follow "Croëz-Hent". The battery is at the right side of the road. This (Lo 025) is the battery of HAA 3/1163 which was equipped with 4 x 15.5 cm SFH 414 (f). The line of fire was the coast south east of Guidel. Three times 611 and one 669 were built and remain. Personnel was living in 2 x 502 (present). A commandpost type 119 and an ammo store type 607 were built somewhat behind the battery. Things have changed since 1998, none of the 611s are open these days, same goes for the 502s. On the other hand, the 119 and 669 are free to visit. The 607 is completely covered in brambles. If you want to visit the 611s try contacting the owners first.

Just a pole with an anchor.