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Block 24

This block has two observation cupolas and one cupola for a 5 cm mortar.

Block 24, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line Block 24, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

The positions at the side are combinations of the Reibel Mg and a 3.7 cm anti tank gun.

Block 24, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

In detail.

Block 24, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

The construction tile in detail.

Block 24, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

A deep anti tank ditch is not common for Maginot ouvrages. The ouvrage Hochwald has the second one.

Block 24, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

Another view on top.