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Block 25

This block has a 7.5 cm gun, a 5 cm mortar, Mg and an observation cupola.

Block 25, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line Block 25, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

It lies at the start of the anti tank ditch.

Block 25, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

The box for a searchlight?

Block 25, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

For the Reibel 7.5 mm Mg.

Block 25, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

The 5 cm mortar is placed at the bottom.

Block 25, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

For the 7.5 cm gun.

Block 25, Hackenberg, Sector Boulay, Maginot line

In another angle.