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Datasheet Airdefence

(Before 01-04-1943 the airdefence was controlled by 22. Marine Flak Regiment)

Location Unit Nz nr Guns Type (Fl, M) German name, remarks
Saint Marc V. MFla
Nz 304   250  
La Vecquerie MFla 703 Nz 6   241  
Le Plessis 1./MFla 703 Nz 428 4 x 10,5 C/32 Vf Panther
Kerlédé 2./ MFla 703 N 311 6 x 10,5 C/32 245, 246, 304 Leopard
Trébale 3./Mfla 703 Nz 363 4 x 10,5 C/33 Vf Luchs
Fort de l'Eve 4./MFla 703 Nz 306 4 x 10,5 C/32 242, 244, 246 Jaguar
Petit Marsac 5./Mfla 703 Nz 364 4 x 12,8 C/40 241, 304, 307 (4) Drache
  6./MFla 703       searchlight battery
Marsain 7./MFla 703 Nz 309 4 x 10,5 C/32 246, Sk Masch Bussard
Montoir de Bretagne MFla 705 Nz 328   241  
Donges 1./MFla 705 Nz 331 4 x 10,5 C/32 244, 304 Kondor
Le Trembly 2./MFla 705 Nz 322 3 x 10,5 C/33 246, Sk leit Sperber
Bellevue 3./MFla 705 Nz 418 4 x 10,5 C/32 Vf Seeadler
Montoir 4./MFla 705 Nz 329 4 x 10,5 C/32 246 Kormoran
La Mertou 5./MFla 705 Nz 323 4 x 10,5 C/32 Vf Albatros
  6./MFla 705       searchlight battery
Aine 7./MFla 705 N 321 4 x 10,5 C/32 Vf, Sk leit Dragon, note)
St-Brévin MFla 809 Nz 343   241  
Les Rochelets 1./MFla 809 Nz 346 4 x 10,5 C/32 Vf, 304? Nautilus
Le Plessis 2./MFla 809 Nz 340b 4 x 10,5 C/32 Vf, 246, Sk Masch Seelöwe
La Mabilais, Corsept 3./MFla 809 Mi 307 !! fake guns Vf, 246 Seestern
St-Brévin les Pins 4./MFla 809 Nz 360 4 x 10,5 C/33 Vf Hai
Haute Prinais 5./MFla 809 Nz 348 4 x 10,5 C/32 Vf, 304, 246 Delphin
Nez du Chien, Mindin 6./MFla 809 Nz 341 4 x 12,8 C/40 307 (4), 317 Koralle
  7./MFla 809       searchlight battery
St Nazaire, St Louis MFla 820 Nz 401   Sk light aa battalion
Mindin 1./MFla 820 Nz 17 6x3,7;12x2    
Villes-es-Martin 2./MFla 820 Nz 314 12x4;4x2    
Savine east 3./MFla 820 Nz 422 10x3.7;3x2    
Port of St Nazaire 4./MFla 820 Nordhafen 3x4;12x2    
Donges 5./MFla 820 Nz 332 9x3.7;3x2    
La Torpille 6./MFla 820 Nz 355 3x3.7;2x2    

Note: The sources are contradictorily about the number of gunbatteries of 705 Marine Flak Abteilung. We believe there were 6 gunbatteries (1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 7.) and 1 searchlightbattery (6.). Number 7. gunbattery was located at Aine.