The strongpoint at the coast was called Wn 63a, later Stützpunkt XXXVII. It consisted of several Vf personnel bunkers, a 612 and 667. The heavy bunkers were demolished but under the dunes, the other ones remain, connected by about 2km of covered trenches. There used to be guided tours but this is over due to the poor condition of the brick work in the tunnels. It's occupied by bats these days.
More inland lies Wn 289 which is seperated by a road into De Klip and Rijksdorp, a major commandpost for the area and partly reused by the Dutch in Cold War. Several staffs, including Waffen-SS ones, occupied this HQ during the war. It's only open during guided tours by Staatsbosbeheer, the owner of the forest.
This lock hasn't been open for over 70 years it seems. It's at the old entrance to park Rijksdorp.