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638, M.S.B. Vineta, Hoek van Holland

The small dressing station is in use by the radio amateurs.

638, M.S.B. Vineta, Hoek van Holland

They have huge antennas on the roof.

638, M.S.B. Vineta, Hoek van Holland

This old photo shows the situation when the bunker was in use by the Dutch Navy.

There is a big exhaust and an opening for bringing in large equipment visible. These features are not common for a 638. When I was in active duty with the RNLA I was project officer with the task to find new locations for high power HF transmitters. Vineta was one of the options. As we made a visit taking photos was not allowed. This must have been in the early eighties. I remember a bunker with three large generators at a row. The Navy guide told me that they were going to be moved to the naval harbour Den Helder to provide the power for moored warships. Seing back the photo of 1998 the 638 must have been that generator location.