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Groot and Klein Valkenisse

These two sites are at the western end of the Landfront and we start our Landfront tour here. Widerstandsnest Carmen provided the infanteryreserve for this part of the Landfront. The six bunkers at Carmen lie in three rows, one north of a little forest, one south of it (called middle) and one a dunevalley more to the south. In a little forest at the feeth of the dunes lie the remains of the barracks for the bunker building crew. Wn Fledermaus was the actual link between the coast and the Landfront. Only the Höcker are visible, both bunkers are vanished beneath 6 meters of dunesand.

In the dunes on Walcheren you find concrete tubes, these are former Dutch sewer pipes, placed by the Germans. Due to a fysical law there is always groundwater present.