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Stützpunkt Prostki

This Stützpunkt was divided into two parts. The Regelbau bunkers can be found northwest of Prostki. The remaining trenches and light bunkers lie in the woods near Ostrokół in the northeast. The German name for these towns were Prostken and Scharfenrade. Prostken was one of the bigger bordertowns before the war. Old offices in the main street remind of the borderfunction. Two 105c both with plate and observation turret and a 112b with Sechsschartenturm in the middle are located on the westside of the road to Ełk. A building pit for another 105c lies deserted more north. Next to the road to Ostrokół are several Kochbunker, Doppelgruppenunterstände and garages.

Stützpunkt Prostki

The vast woods near the former town of Scharfenrade (Ostrokół).