
Ringstand 69 in Poland

The Ringstand type 69 for observer/machine gun and mortar is quite common in the Atlantikwall. In Poland however it is an interesting find. 

Ringstand 69 near Płock. (Photo: Winnicki)

Ringstand 69 near Płock. (Photo: Winnicki)

Personally, I don’t know of any other place in Poland where you can find a Bauform 69. User Winnicki, on the Fortyfikacje Forum, found four examples near Płock in central Poland. They’re located in a small valley with a fire control post in front being a regular Tobruk 58c. 

One 69 is intact, of one only the fundaments remain and two are partly buried. The position covered the important road from Warszawa to Płock. A dense system of trenches can still be traced. 

In the town center of Płock a Tobruk 58c was demolished. It had to make place for a new shopping mall. More photos can be found on the Fortyfikacje forum. 

Płock/Imielnica show on bigger map

3 replies
  1. Arthur van Beveren
    Arthur van Beveren says:

    Hi, I try to register but I have to answer this question I don’t know.
    “Wo in Heilbronn steht der Luftschutzturm vom Typ Dietel?” Answer? Theresienwiese? Annoying 😉


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