Interesting finds on Alderney

Plan of the quay with 2 x 656. (Trevor Davenport)

Old news and new news from the beautiful island of Alderney. Finds by Trevor Davenport.

Last year a super interesting find was made inside the harbour quay. Two personnel bunkers, probably type 656, are hidden under the concrete. During construction works on the German extension to the quay two bunkers were discovered, each with a covered passage with attached Tobruk in front of the entrances. Another small unknown bunker lies between them. More info to follow!

Plan of the quay with 2 x 656. (Trevor Davenport)

Plan of the quay with 2 x 656. (Trevor Davenport)


Last week I got a message from Trevor Davenport regarding a really heavy small shelter at Hoffmanns Höhe, the site of the island’s commander. Near some mortar pits is this one room bunker. It could be a personnel shelter but the inside dimensions are very small. Ammunition store is a second guess, there are recesses for gun racks in the small corridor.

Plan of the shelter. (Trevor Davenport)

Plan of the shelter. (Trevor Davenport)

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