
L 410 around the Füherhauptquartier Wolfsschlucht 2

L 410 locations near Margival.

The Füherhauptquartier Wolfsschlucht 2 is known for its enormous variety of bunker designs. There are local designs for machine gun turrets and plates and one can discover Luftwaffe Regelbauten never built anywhere else. A not so rare Luftwaffe design is the L 410, a command bunker for small Flak batteries. However near Margival this type was built ten times on only 9 km²!

L 410 locations near Margival.

L 410 locations near Margival.

And not only was the type built a lot of times, they were also heavily equipped with communication devices. You will find L 410s here with a Festungsvermittlung zu 30 Ltn, the large telephone exchanges for 30 lines, which you will normally find in large command bunkers (117, 608) along the Atlantikwall. Some boost four Festungsfernsprecher in a row, which really shows the importance given to these small Flak batteries. (According to Rhode and Sünkel in their book Wolfsschlucht 2, Autopsie eines Führerhauptquartiers, 21 light Flak batteries were built around the headquarters!)

L 410 (Vx 436) of Flakstellung 8 had a Festungsvermittlung zu 30 Ltn. (Photo: 2008, Arthur van Beveren)

L 410 (Vx 436) of Flakstellung 8 had a Festungsvermittlung zu 30 Ltn. (Photo: 2008, Arthur van Beveren)

A Festungsvermittlung zu 30 Ltn. with two battery boxes and fusebox. (Photo: 2004, Arthur van Beveren)

A Festungsvermittlung zu 30 Ltn. with two battery boxes and fusebox. (Photo: 2004, Arthur van Beveren)

Normally an L 410 has a Flak emplacement on top and in the Atlantikwall it was usually built with two Flak/Crew bunkers like the L 409A. Around Margival you’ll find most L 410s without emplacement on top. Three either early square shaped open emplacements or later war L 2 emplacements formed the actual battery and the L 410 really served as an HQ.

L 410 (Vx 436) of Flakstellung 8. No emplacement on top. (Photo: 2008, Arthur van Beveren)

L 410 (Vx 436) of Flakstellung 8. No emplacement on top. (Photo: 2008, Arthur van Beveren)

Of the ten L 410s, seven are accessible and six are on the website. We’re still updating our old 2002 and 2003 images with newer ones, so stay tuned.







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